Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Prejudice...Why???

Perhaps I am a rare species. I have always loved being around people from other geographical areas. To me, the variation in people, can be compared to a beautiful garden! So many colors, all of which make it so beautiful! Living in Philadelphia I attended five wonderful years in a predominately Jewish school. With grandparents on my father's side being from Norway and Denmark, I was exposed to some of the most beautiful memories one could have...Scandinavian foods, out of this world were a wonderful part of them. Mother's side was German, and there were so many beautiful traditions from that part of the family! Then there were the Italian friends in Philly around the area, and the many folks that I have become acquainted with in recent years! I have Hindu neighbors, Chinese, Middle Eastern, and many more races. I call it, "God's flower garden." Several years ago, I wrote a piece of prose on the subject, which I am sharing today. Enjoy! Why prejudice? Why all these "labels?" We all start out the same...warm, cuddly and so innocent! Then, like a tidal wave, a day comes rushing in with a cruel stamp. Our heart beats the same beat, the brow sweats the same sweat, And the hearts need the same love. Why this cruel game? Like a trap door it shuts and you are then, and forever, the "nigger," "the yankee," or the "chinc." You toil for the same dollar, and every need is a mirrored reflection of the very one you have stamped! We all cry the same cry, and if he does seem so different, Could it be he was never given a real chance to have pride? Perhaps it was stolen from him before he ever got to claim it! Friend, how dare you to put your mark on God's creation! Stop it now! Embrace him instead, and while you hold him tightly, you will hear the song of two hearts, breaking forth with an anthem of one heart's cry. Embrace your fellowman! His cry is your cry! His desire is your desire.


  1. I find that too often people are uncomfortable around others that do not reflect themselves. I wonder if, aside from ignorance, it is a reflection of insecurity. Some see differences as 'challenges' to who they are. Another set of beliefs can cause them to go on the defensive. Perhaps it is also rooted in self-centeredness. We get comfortable with who/where we are and don't want someone to come along and dare shake up our world with their diversity. Part of growth is having our world shaken up from time to time. And, having someone or something make us look inside ourselves and re-evaluate our own belief systems--or perhaps push us to establish one. I suppose it is rotten thinking at the core to see others, different from ourselves, as challenging or even threatening, rather than the truth--they present us with expand....explore...learn...& share.

    I love living here in the melting-pot of races and beliefs. It has been enlightening and entertaining.

    Never be afraid to be surrounded by people who FAIL to re-enforce who you are....embrace their differences with openness and understanding. I do not mean to blanket everyone with tolerance for the sake of tolerance...that's gone way too far! But...we never get too old, too educated, too self-sufficient to learn and grow. It doesn't mean we must change or compromise who/what we are, but merely be open to truly view ourselves and what we have grown comfortable with.

    Once in a does us good to stir the pot. It does us good to shake the dust from the fabric of our being.

  2. Elaine you were always beautiful internally and externally you are precious and will always be in my heart, hopefully one day will get together again. Bless you!
